Welcome to the Doc U R Collective!

De-stigmatizing Physician Mental Health, Empowering Physicians, & Transforming Healthcare

About Doc U R Collective

About Us

DOC U R is a safe and secure space for physicians only, from medical school and beyond.  We will discuss every and anything that pertains to our mental health and promote options and solutions for those in need of healing. We aim to de-stigmatize mental health and normalize talking about it. 

Why You Should Join Us

Welcome, to the discussions providing valuable insight, creating resources and gaining access to exclusive services. Together, we can provide solutions for the changes we need, desire, and strive for! 

What We Do

We are creating an alliance in which the community will drive the tech, provide access, increase education, promote advocacy, and transform healthcare. We aim to create a solution that will enable Physicians to have options to feel empowered and become change agents.


We were currently featured in The DO, stressing the importance of creating mental health solutions for physicians, by our very own Dr. Kiki, Founder & CEO.